Sunday, 19 October 2008

An interesting day spent bellringing and attending the St Mary's church service, my last in the country for some time. Following an hours walk along the River Thames, seeing herons, swans and cormorants, I reflected on some of the good memories of my grandchildren, Josh and Chloe, and my daughter, Kate, given that all is not well between us . Helped Josephine and others count monies for the Macmillan charity collection .
Josephine(sister-in-law) and Desmond have made me feel very welcome in their home for an unexpectedly long stay, given the delay in leaving on my travels. I am very grateful for their unstinting hospitality.
Have now booked 2 tours in Rome, for the Colosseum and the Vatican, and am relishing the thought of spending 5 days in Rome.

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