Monday, 28 December 2009

And finally, Brazil

Landed in Manaus, the state capital of Amazonia. A dirty, crowded and frenetic city of some millions, set in the middle of the Amazon rain forest and totally dependant on river transport for food and goods, usually from Belem at the Amazon estuary. Stayed 2 days too long in the stifling heat before boarding a ferry down the Amazon to Santarem, a journey of 36 hours. The ferry was full to capacity, and more, with barely room to tie your hammock. This forms the main transport for the local people up and down the river and not surprisingly I was one of only two English speaking people on board, but the compensation was the time I had to watch the river glide by and I gained a rapid appreciation of the sheer size of this great river and the volume of traffic using the waterway.
Stopping off at small ports on the way demonstrated, as I was later to find out, how far behind in its development this area is compared to most of Brazil, particularly the eastern seaboard towns and cities.

Five days in Santarem, on the Amazon passed quickly and finally arrived in Natal where I enjoyed the beach and had 2 more surfing lessons as well as experiencing my first capoeira lesson. The hostal was very friendly and I spent many evenings with fellow guests visiting local restaurants and also a rock concert.

The final diving opportunity came on Fernando de Noronha, an archipelago 300 km from the Brazil coast where I was able to spend 3 days diving, despite the rough seas, and exploring the beautiful bays and beaches around the main island. Though expensive, Noronha was well worth visiting.

Christmas was in Salvador with its street celebrations of the nativity over the Christmas period, and visiting it's many fine churches. I was able to spend Christmas Day on the beach, and even attend a service where Bach's Christmas Oratorio was being performed - a real bonus!

Two days in Rio de Janeiro completed this 14 month journey, before flying to Paris with a 10 hour stopover (took the opportunity to visit Notre Dame followed by a shopping expedition to purchase some winter clothes).

Arrived in freezing London on the 31st December and back home to Lincolnshire on the 9th January, despite the heavy snowfalls, having spent a week in London and Dorset meeting friends.

This ends my blog....

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